We are sad to announce that we are no longer permitted to continue in-studio classes starting this Thursday October 8th. This will be in effect until October 28th, when further announcements will be made. Please read the following details:

  • As mentioned previously, all classes will continue online through Zoom (more details to come very soon) with the exception of Baby Ballet (2 year olds). Baby Ballet students will receive a credit for the next session for the classes missed.
  • For students in Kinder Ballet (ages 3-4) the classes will happen on Zoom. If we see that a student is not able to adapt and follow within 2-3 classes (Ms. Ashley, or Ms. Liliana will take that decision), we will let the parent know and the student will be credited the missed classes for the coming session.
  • We ask families to assist their children as much as possible in setting up their Zoom and making sure they are ready and focused for their class. If you can, please stay in the room for the duration of the class.

We are doing our best to adapt to this new situation as efficiently as possible and hope that we will be back soon.

Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding.

The Tutu Deluxe Team